Kristine Sterud - Improviser and Teacher
Kristine Sterud is a Norwegian improviser and journalist. Sterud has been performing, teaching and hanging out at Impro Neuf in Oslo for over 10 years. Her mission in life is to bring the joy of improv and the magic that can happen to more people in a safe environment. The safer we feel, and the more we listen to each other, the more creative we can get. She has been teaching improv to both beginner classes to more advanced and experienced groups. Ever felt the thrill of doing something new - and the joy when you nailed it? We're aiming for that!
Shortform Bonanza!
Who: Kristine Sterud
What: Shortform Bonanza! Where: LJMU - Joe H Makin Drama Centre (Next door to Unity Theatre) When: Sunday the 27th of April – 3:30pm-5:30pm Tickets: £22.50 |
What fun happens when you step on stage without a plan but with clear rules to play by? Kristine brings her favorite short form-improv games. Let's play around with spontaneity, listening and work on our short form-muscles.
We aim to explore the fun in games, and together we find tools to make a short form show together. We warm up together to get our listening on point, then we dive into a bonanza of no thinking and staying in the moment on stage. We both work in pairs, in smaller groups and as a group all together. We play a lot for each other, but also for our selves. During the fun, we also make space to analyse exactly why and what we enjoy in each game. |