Friday the 25th of April
Click on links for show information + booking details
Ticket prices:
45 + minute shows:
£8/£6 concessions with Unity theatre creative pool membership (free to join)
60+ minute shows:
£10/£6 concessions with Unity theatre creative pool membership (free to join)
Advance tickets:
£72 Three day all access ticket (20 available)
£60 Friday & Saturday all access ticket (20 available)
£24 Friday all access ticket (15 available)
£36 Saturday all access ticket (15 available)
Show Time / Show
4:30pm - Unity 1 - Improv double bill
5:45pm - Unity 2 - Improv double bill
7pm - Unity 1 - Crime Scene Improvisation
8:30pm - Unity 1 - Taxi Tales
Ticket prices:
45 + minute shows:
£8/£6 concessions with Unity theatre creative pool membership (free to join)
60+ minute shows:
£10/£6 concessions with Unity theatre creative pool membership (free to join)
Advance tickets:
£72 Three day all access ticket (20 available)
£60 Friday & Saturday all access ticket (20 available)
£24 Friday all access ticket (15 available)
£36 Saturday all access ticket (15 available)
Show Time / Show
4:30pm - Unity 1 - Improv double bill
5:45pm - Unity 2 - Improv double bill
7pm - Unity 1 - Crime Scene Improvisation
8:30pm - Unity 1 - Taxi Tales